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Learn From The Past-Pale Blue Dot


Now you’ve reached probably the most important page on this website.  The following video with its brilliant commentary by Carl Sagan lasts only about 3 minutes but should teach each of us that we have to stop our petty squabbling and learn to combine our resources to save this beautiful Garden  of Eden, to which Earth with its miraculous  protective biosphere had at last evolved.

After some 3 to 4 billion years of gestation, at last just some 70,000  years ago, here was a planet with fertile soil above, enormous  wealth of energy accumulated below – and plentiful livestock and a miraculous and perfect biosphere- perfect to nourish and protect a human race

But boy have our ancestors made a mess of it?!!

IN THE PALE BLUE DOT, did you note the many power figures who have tried (in vain) to impose their belief systems on the whole of humanity and eventually failed?  Inevitably, they were driven by the ambitions of just one man (most recently Adolf Hitler)! 

To see more examples of these failed leaders PRESS HERE

Some Failed (would-be) World Conquerors include:

Alexander the Great: 356-323 B.C.

Julius Caesar: 100-44 B.C.

Caesar Augustus: 6314 B.C.

Attila the Hun - 434-453 A.D.

Charlemagne: 742-814

William the Conqueror - 1028-1087

Genghis Khan -1162-1227 (Possibly the Greatest?)

Tamerlane -1336-1406

Napoleon Bonaparte - 1769-1821

Adolf Hitler - 1889-1945​

It would seem that future decisions should be BOTTOM UP,
( That is made by the wishes of The People, based on the agreed VISION – not “leaders”) and at last SCIENCE has given us the tools.